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Abigail Warren - Artist & Painter


Abigail Warren was raised in Easton, Pennsylvania and lives there still. She spent 10 years attending classes at the Baum School of Art in Allentown, PA, stretching from elementary school through high school. After graduating from Easton Area High School in 2017, she began attending the University of the Arts for both Painting and Art Education. Since entering college, she has participated in multiple student exhibitions including “Art Unleashed” and “Night at the Salon”. Her work explores the idea of shared memories and experiences, especially those revolving around family and other human relationships. Using a variety of mediums including painting, sculpture, cut paper art, collage, and printmaking, she aims to share with her audience  an empathy for people they may never know. Abigail anticipates graduating with her BFA in painting in spring 2021, and her MAT in Art Education the following year.

Personal Life

I am an animal lover and proudly own three cats, a dog, leopard gecko, red-eared slider named Steve, three goldfish, and a few dozen aquatic snails. Along with my artworks, they frequently make an appearance on my instagram. I also am addicted to plants and have to many for my own good. I really enjoy reading (owning over 300 books) and almost anything historical fantasy, and have a special place in my heart for the Lord of the Rings and others. 


2017 - 2022

The University of the Arts, Philadelphia PA.

  • 2021 - Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in Painting   

  • 2022 - Master of Arts in Teaching: Art Education  

2013 - 2017

Easton Area High School, Easton PA.


2017 - 18

Crozier Prize, The University of the Arts


Group & Student


Night at the Salon, Painting Department, the University of the Arts, Philadelphia PA.

Student Exhibition, 8th floor of Anderson Hall, the University of the Arts,  Philadelphia PA.

Art Unleashed, Solmssen Court, the University of the Arts, Philadelphia PA.

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