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On this page, I have compiled the lessons and curriculums I have made throughout my years in the University of the Arts programs and courses. I have separated them into three categories, splitting the Elementary into Lower and Upper groups, as they often vary greatly in their skills and goals. By clicking the underlined titles, or the pictures, you will be linked to my lessons, curriculums, and other resources. Clicking the large title ahead of this section will lead you to my Digital Portfolio. Enjoy!

These documents and their content are copyright of Abigail Warren. Please view these documents only, with respect for the time and work put into them. If you have questions about a lesson, activity, curriculum, etc., please contact me at or use the contact form on my homepage . Thank you in advance.Please feel free to be inspired by anything you see, but please contact me if you wish to use them or share them.
Thank you.



Lesson Plans and materials for grades K-5, what is traditionally considered to be "Elementary" grade levels.


Lesson Plans and materials for grades 6-8, included in elementary education, but often separated into a category of its own. "Middle-Schoolers" have unique needs and aspects, and deserve their own sub-category. 

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Lesson Plans and materials for grades 9-12. Secondary education focuses on expanding on the foundations set in Elementary Art Education, and allowing students to explore their individualities as artists.

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